Playing age: 45-55
Height: 6’1
Eyes: Green
Highlights: TV includes ASHES TO ASHES, SILK and DOCTORS, and 3 years as a series regular in THE BILL.
Recently seen as the lead in 'Pyrenees' by David Greig at Brighton’s New Venture Theatre
Biography: Greg graduated from LAMDA in 1995 and has gone on to enjoy a varied acting career ever since. He has performed at the National Theatre, The Almeida and The Lyric Hammersmith. Greg has also appeared feature films such as V for Vendetta, Echelon Conspiracy and The Football Factory. His TV appearances include roles in Ashes to Ashes, Silent Witness and a 3-year stint as DC Tom Proctor in The Bill.
Greg took a break from acting in 2013 to train as a psychotherapist and start his own private practice. He was also involved with the Imperial College Psilocybin Trials for treatment resistant depression in 2017 as a Psychedelic Guide and continues his research in the same area. During this time, he also worked as a medical role-player, helping medical professionals with their communication skills.
In 2022 after the pandemic, Greg felt that he was ready to begin working as an actor again and was cast as the lead in David Greig’s ‘Pyrenees’ at The New Venture Theatre in Brighton where he lives. The play was a success and Greg joined Alpha Actors and is now very excited to working for a cooperative agency.
Although he loves all aspects of acting work, his passion is in theatre and he would love to travel the world as an actor, telling stories and playing interesting parts.