You can now catch the one woman show, ‘The Principle of Uncertainty’, starring Abi McLoughlin at the Edinburgh Fringe this August!
After receiving excellent reviews during its run at Draper Hall, the show will transfer to Sweet Holyrood from 2nd-27th August. The conceit of the show is a fascinating (and accurate) wonder-filled physics lecture -with a heart-wrenching twist you would t see coming in this universe!
Abi McLoughlin is such a brilliant performer that a couple of minutes in, I actually didn’t care if this was a play or an actual lecture.-
McLoughlin excels … Her gentle breakdown is a moving climax to a script as it begins to lose focus, with the attention shifting from equations and concepts to her own, personal story. -
McLoughlin excels as the warm, enthusiastic Laura and utterly convinces as a scientist. -